Category Archives: Photography

Neues Nikkorner Objekiv has psted the latest ingenious Invention by Nikkon – see what the technology leader has now created:

Together with the D5100, Nikon will also introduce a revolutionary new brand called NIKKORNER which will include products from the Imaging and Sports Optics divisions. In the Imaging division, Nikon will be announcing a new lens that can take pictures around corners and protect photojournalists when working in dangerous areas. The lens will be available also in camouflage pattern/colors.


In the Sport Optics division, Nikon will introduce a new riflescope, specially designed for the CornerShot weapon system, that will eliminate the need of the LCD screen (currently embedded in all CornerShot products). The main complains of the CS-APR 5.56 rifle has been short battery life, low resolution and ISO performance and with the new NIKKORNER optics those problems will be solved.